Welcome to our community of love!
Our mission as disciples of Jesus Christ is to serve God by serving others.
We are not perfect, nor do we expect others to be; we are enthusiastic explorers, following the Way of Jesus, step by step, by belonging, believing and becoming our best selves!
We are a community of love: God’s love enacted through caring, welcoming, respect
for others, integrity, and fellowship in serving.
Biblical preaching in worship guided by the traditions of the Book of Common
Prayer inspires us to serve.
To serve a creative God in an ever-changing world, we try new things while
remaining true to the deep traditions of our history.
We empower people to grow as faithful leaders who serve in the church and
Sunday Worship Services:
9:30 AM In-Person and livestreamed on Facebook
Office Hours:
9 AM to 12 Noon, Monday thru Friday